CLEAN : Change; Lead; Excel; Achieve; Now
This program presents a more holistic approach to coaching. The focus is more performance based: Directed at career, health, personal wellbeing, and relationship aspects of one's life.
CHANGE: Life is change. Change shows up everywhere whether you expect it or not. You measure your growth by how you change. How you handle change in situations, people the world, dictates the quality of your life. We will coach you to recognize and accept change as it occurs in self-identified aspects of your life.
LEAD: “Lead; follow or get out of the way (Paine).” The underlying point of the quote? ‘Do something’. If you’ve got to do something, why not lead yourself or others. Broaden your leadership skills and move yourself closer to achieving your goals.
EXCEL: Life is about be getting better. We excel at few things. Usually, those are the things most important to us. Champion your continued growth with focus on excelling and accountability.
ACHIEVE: Anything worth doing is worth doing right. So the saying goes. The more you do things right, the more you get used to doing things right. YMWC, LLC. coaches improvement in clarity, focus and goal setting so that your achievement is self-assured.
NOW: Time is your most valuable asset. You can always make more money. You cannot get more time. Once a moment has passed, you can’t get it back. YMWC, LLC. coaches you to operate and accomplish in the present. Leave the dreaming for sleep.